
5 Dec 2019
5 Dec 2019

Rising to the top – What does it take for women to get there?

Maples Teesdale hosted an event primarily focused on women's experiences of transitioning into leadership roles across different areas of the property industry.

The discussion identified challenges in: social, psychological and practical aspects, and discussed solutions to help support women in currently or aspiring to be in leadership roles (such as coaching, mentoring and sponsorship). We looked beyond the challenges and explored how help and support from others (both internal and external to an organisation) can help career progression. The event was inclusive to both women and men, and the discussion opened about how the industry can move forward in addressing these issues.

The event featured a keynote speech from Anna Wesson from Quay Coaching, followed by a panel discussion. Other panellists included Sam McClary, Editor of Estates Gazette, Lisa Sherriffs, Head of Legal at BMO Real Estate Partners and Alex Notay, Fund Director for PfP Capital. 

The seminar ended with a Q&A session answering questions from our guests.