
2 Dec 2020
2 Dec 2020

Women taking the lead - leadership and team playing in 2021

On Wednesday 2 December we held an interactive webinar and networking event. 2020 has been challenging in many ways but it has highlighted the need for businesses to adapt and the importance of communication and resilience in the workplace.  Remote working has made networking and relationship building more difficult as well as more important.  The next 12 months will require changes to the way we work, both as leaders and team members. 

We examined the challenges and opportunities that we are likely to face in 2021, thinking particularly what this means for women in, or heading towards, leadership as well as those keen to play an active role as a team member in the “new normal".  

The event featured a keynote speech from Anna Wesson from Quay Coaching and Andrea Carpenter of Women Talk Real Estate. 

Event Photos